until we meet again




May 2024 - Autor Fair, Bucharest


Mihaela Caravan


Ira Efremova

My grandmother left this world last year I was given her ruby ring. This ring held significant sentimental value, as it was inherited from her grandmother and reserved for special occasions. Our grandmother cherished life and often adorned herself with this ring during gatherings at her home, which were filled with friends, laughter, and games of cards or rummy.

As I gaze upon this ring, I see her—bold and confident, with its shiny red stone mirroring her vibrant personality. It perfectly reflects her style, always with a touch of red accent, impeccable hair, and red lipstick. Her advice to wear a smile before leaving the house resonates deeply with me.

While missing her deeply I consoled myself with our shared memories but I've realized that new memories from my adult life are blending with those of my grandmother, making them less vivid.

Despite this natural forgetting process, I am sure that I will reunite with my grandmother one day. She awaits me there, just as she did after school, with comforting food and her warm smile. It's a feeling of home that I've rarely experienced since then. We will meet again, adorned with our ruby rings, and create beautiful and special moments together.

Until then, farewell, my dear mamaie.

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